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I Met james vickers

She lived in a small apartment with her husband and two dogs. Since the building was old and the walls were thin, every noise made in the entryway and living room could be heard from the bedroom. 

Late one night, she decided to go to bed while her husband took the dogs outside for their last walk. After she went into the bedroom, she heard the jingle of the dogs’ leashes and the opening and closing of the front door. 

As she started to doze off, she heard the front door open and close as her husband reentered the apartment. She saw a small streak of light as he opened the bedroom door and then quietly closed it behind him. He silently climbed into bed and got under the covers. She murmured, “I love you,” and fell asleep before he could reply. 

A few moments later, she was awakened when she heard the front door open and close again. Then she heard the jingle of the dogs’ leashes and her husband’s hushed voice. By the time that she realized that her husband was not already in bed, she felt a cold hand caress her cheek.
